Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Graphics in GNU - C (gcc)

Here is an article which teaches you to install graphics packages in ubuntu or in any other linux operating system. Most of the coders would try their graphic codes in windows because MS DOS comes with a default graphics package called graphics.h. However the results of execution of graphics programs in linux operating system is far more better than in windows. and I've tried that in my ubuntu laptop. So the upcoming part of this article will contain the steps required to install graphics packages in ubuntu or in any other linux operating system.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cracking WiFi in 11 Steps

Wifiway is a Live CD based on Unix Kernel, Mostly used to crack open WiFi networks. This tutorial corresponds the same. Codeknock is going to present a tutorial to Crack the WEP keys.
Mostely WiFi networks are secured with WEP encryption. i.e, The packets sent and received over the WiFi network are encrypted with this WEP Key. You cant connect to that WiFi network without knowing that key. It may be a 5 Digit ASCII or 13 Digit HEX and more based on the encryption seeding it follows. Let's Crack it!

Crack Windows Password with OHPCrack

OHP Crack is a Unix-Flavored Live CD.
Live CD means, It can boot directly from your BIOS without making disturbances to your HDD. When I said as Live-CD many of you might think that it is a Compact-Disk. Actually It's not. It's a CD Image. You can burn that Image to your Pendrive or to a Empty CD and you can boot ti up! Come on! I'll Explain...!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to access a banned or blocked website in your college or school computer ?

how to access a banned or blocked website in your college or school computer ?
how to bypass your college proxy ?
how to make your browsing anonymous?
how to change your ip address ?

i see so many questions infront of me but the answer is the same n simple