What is Linux

Linux (often pronounced leenooks or as Line-uks ) is a Unix-like operating system that was designed to provide personal computer users a free or very low-cost operating system comparable to traditional and usually more expensive Unix systems. Linux has a reputation as a very efficient and fast-performing system. Linux's kernel (the central part of the operating system) was developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in Finland. To complete the operating system, Torvalds and other team members made use of system components developed by members of theFree Software Foundation for the GNU Project.

Linux is a remarkably complete operating system, including a graphical user interface, an X Window System, TCP/IP, the Emacs editor, and other components usually found in a comprehensive Unix system. Although copyrights are held by various creators of Linux's components, Linux is distributed using the Free Software Foundation's copyleft stipulations that mean any modified version that is redistributed must in turn be freely available.

There are more powerful features in Linux, that Linux servers won't get shutdown for years together. Linux requires less RAM memory when compared to Windows and it's completely Open-Source. Unix was developed with the help of C - Language, developed by Dennis Ritchie, Co-Unix Developer.

Unlike Windows and other proprietary systems, Linux is publicly open and extendible by contributors. Because it conforms to the Portable Operating System Interface(POSIX) standard user and programming interfaces, developers can write programs that can be ported to other operating systems. Linux comes in versions for all the majormicroprocessor platforms including the AMD, Intel, PowerPC, Sparc, and Alpha platforms. It's also available on IBM's S/390. Linux is distributed commercially by a number of companies. A magazine, Linux Journal, is published as well as a number of books and pocket references.

Linux is sometimes suggested as a possible publicly-developed alternative to the desktop predominance of Microsoft Windows. Although Linux is popular among users who are already familiar with Unix, it remains far behind Windows in numbers of users. However, its use in the business enterprise is growing.

Linux is a contraction for Linus' Unix; the short i sound preferred by most (including Torvalds) derives from the Swedish pronunciation of Linus.


  1. when you say about linux and FSF you should mention about Richard Mathew Stallman. He wrote everything except the gnu hurd was not ready so he was in need of kernel. on the other hand linus was ready with kernel (linux). the clubbed both.. the name of the OS is GNU/Linux as FSF suggests. the name of the kernel is Linux. but most people tend to call it as Linux.

    1. Ok Yar! You Are Right! I'll update the Article!
