Thursday, August 9, 2012

Inbuilt Screenshot Taker in Windows (Problem Step Recorder)

All of us now that we can easily take up screenshots using the print screen button .Most of the linux users are familiar with that ...

And now , if you mess up working with any program in windows and you want a help from your friend .

What will you do ??

This problem makes me to think of the phrase " Windows 7 , your PC simplified"

Yes , the answer is very simple . windows 7 has a inbuilt screenshot taker that records your  actions and keystrokes


Start > searchbox > psr.exe

Press Enter

PSR peeps out !

Press start record ,

It takes screenshot for every clicks n keystrokes

Stop Record

You will be prompted for the name n location where the file has to be saved

Atlast a Zip file will be generated ,

Mail the ZIP file to your friend n let him review n say the solution !

The extracted file would be a MHTML file , so it opens up in internet explorer !

It has three features 

Be sure to check out them ! :)