Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hack A Remembered password in a browser & Find Out the Password behind The Stars !!

I am going to show you a simple trick with which you can find all the passwords that are remembered on a browser .This post will teach you how to find out the password behind the stars ! *******
This post may be Silly for a computer genius or a network hacker .Anyway I recommend them to stop reading this post !

It feels ridiculous and may arise a question in your mind for sure ... "Is this Possible ?"

Yes ! It is . And the best part is that it takes less than 20 seconds to unwrap the mask! 

Doing It With GI :

Almost all the browsers have this feature ...

Chrome Chrome:

Wrench menu > Settings

You will find something like this ...
Now just click show and here comes a free magic show !
You will find all the remembered ids and passwords , so take what you want !

Mozilla Firefox:

Goto Options !

You can Find these settings easily in almost all the browsers ! its easy ..

Doing it in Codeknock Style :

Here is a simple technique , to find out the password behind the stars ...


Right click on the password bar with stars ...

You should find An Option called Inspect element

Thats it ... you will find the password getting revealed !

For Other Browsers :

Most of the latest versions of the Browsers have this "Inspect Element" option , if not you can download a small add on which will enable that option ... The addons name may differ for different Browsers , but they all do the same work !

Enjoy hacking ;) !

Mozila : Click here to Download the Add on
Opera : Click here to download the Add on
IE: For IE we hav to do it in a bit different way . For IE 8+ you it is inbuilt and can be activated by pressing F12 key ! ... For other versions -> you don't need an addon ,instead you need a toolbar ..
you can download it from here .
You may mess up with finding the codings in IE ... So  I recommend you not to use it !

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